FEMMEfille is a feature-length documentary on the story of Isabelle Caro, Oliviero Toscani’s “NO-Anorexia” model who rose to fame after his campaign. Through spending time with Caro participating as a member of the jury for Top Model France and as she writes and releases her autobiography we see her attempt to be understood. But the media has a different plan and aims to exploit Caro’s offering of her body. Diving through different passages of time, with the aid of family photos as well as video diaries left behind, we see a kaleidoscope of Isabelle's life and the world that surrounded her. In the end, we come to know the complex history of a woman and the extreme life moments that ultimately lead to her death.
“…atmospherically poetic and smart film.” - Hamburger Morgenpost
“A haunting portrait of a fragile soul.” - TV Movie
Length: 87 minutes
Production: TAG/TRAUM
Director/Producer: Kiki Allgeier
Executive Producer: Gerd Haag
Editor: Gesa Marten
Line Producer: Connie Kellers
Creative Producers: Eun-Zi Kim & Kerstin Krieg
Music by: Masami Tomihisa & Andreas Bjorck
Partners: ARTE ZDF, YLE, SVT, Filmstiftung NRW, BKM, Hessische Filmförderung and DFFF